A movie about Tchernobyl.

The Pripyat amusement park in Pripyat, Ukraine is an abandoned amusement park. It was to be opened on May 1, 1986 in time for the May Day celebrations (decorations for this event are still in place in Pripyat today) but the plans were interrupted when on April 26 the Chernobyl disaster occurred a few kilometers away. The park was opened for a couple of hours on April 27 to keep the city people entertained before the announcement to evacuate the city was made. Today, the park, and in particular the Ferris wheel are a symbol of the Chernobyl disaster. The amusement park itself is located behind the Palace of Culture in the centre of the city.

The audio message you can hear in russian as you enter Everwinter is the actual recording of the evacuation message played to the city of pripyat following the nuclear disaster at chernobyl

The evacuation of Pripyat took place the day after the disaster on the afternoon of April 27, 1986, The evacuation of Pripyat’s 43,000 residents took 3.5 hours, using 1,100 buses from Kiev.
The inhabitants were allowed to take only necessary items with them, as they were to return in three days.
This information was released to avoid panic and to stop people taking too much luggage with them.
Later, the authorities decided that the city must remain empty forever.

Based on records now available, some 985,000 people died, mainly of cancer, as a result of the Chernobyl accident. That is between when the accident occurred in 1986 and the present day. More deaths, it projects, will follow.

Interesting video to watch
Postcards from Pripyat, Chernobyl from Danny Cooke


Let me out by Mario Meltsa.
Thanks to Mario for letting me use his music.

Filmed in Second Life

Everwinter – Post Apocalyptic Theme Park
Lauren Bentham